Socionomics is often mistaken as just another word for socioeconomics, or worse: a typo. However, the two terms refer to entirely separate concepts. The primary difference revolves around which has more influence: markets or the people in the m…
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I would not change the sentiment or warning of the last letter one bit. I encourage clients to utilize any temporary market rally to make a more elegant exit from equities at this time. If one must remain exposed to the markets, it is imperative that
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As many of our clients have some level of exposure to the stock market, I am writing to all clients to warn of a potential market fall in the near term. I do not pretend to be a great trader or market timer, but several indicators of extreme...
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As we traverse these difficult economic times together, and as many of you have requested of us, we are endeavoring to make our research and analyses of the macroeconomic direction available on a regular basis. We hope that this economically fo…
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